Gum Treatment

Gum disease is a health risk that everyone needs to combat. With regular checkups and healthy dental hygiene practices at home, most patients will be able to fend it off. However, it can still begin to appear over time, which is why we are proud to provide patients with effective options for gum treatment in Fontana. Contact the Smile Studio Dentistry Fontana office today to set up your next appointment and take charge of your dental health.

What Gum Treatment?

Gum treatment is a procedure done by a dentist to treat gum disease. The treatment helps to restore gum health and reduce the risk of gum infection. It can also help to prevent gum damage that can lead to tooth loss or other serious problems. Since gum disease can result in lasting damage to both teeth and gums, we advise patients to seek out immediate treatment if they begin noticing any symptoms. But the best way to stay ahead of gum disease is to attend your regular dental checkups. This allows your dentist to catch anything affecting your gums before it can become more problematic.

image of Dentist using intraoral camera to capture mouth images

What Is a Typical Gum Treatment Like?

Gum treatment may involve scaling and root planing to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from gum pockets. This is more intensive than routine dental cleaning, but we offset any discomfort by providing patients with local anesthetic. It is also more common to have this treatment spread out over several dental visits, with each visit focusing on cleaning one or two quadrants of your teeth. Each visit can take about half an hour to an hour, depending on the extent of cleaning required to remove the bacteria and buildup.
Other treatments may include antibiotics, antiseptic mouth rinses, or in more severe cases, surgery. The ideal treatment for a patient depends on the extent of the gum disease they are experiencing. Ideally, we can stop its progression and prevent it from having a lasting impact on your teeth by treating it during the initial stages. Because of this, we take the time to fully asses each patient’s situation, ensuring that they are matched with the proper treatment. Our goal is to stop its progression and preserve the overall health of your teeth and gums.
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Benefits of Having Gum Treatment

Visiting a dentist can help diagnose gum disease early on, which is important for preventing gum damage and other serious issues. Gum treatment can also:
  • Help reduce gum inflammation and bleeding
  • Prevent gum recession
  • Improve oral hygiene by removing bacteria and plaque buildup
  • Reduce bad breath and the risk of gum infection
  • Help prevent tooth loss or other serious gum problems

Signs You Need Gum Treatment

Gum disease is a progressive condition, which means that if left untreated, it can lead to serious gum and tooth damage. But that also means it is possible to stop it during the beginning stages of the condition. Early signs of gum disease include:
  • Gum inflammation
  • Redness or tenderness of the gums
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Visible gum recession
  • Bleeding when brushing your teeth
If you are experiencing any of these issues, it is important to seek gum treatment sooner rather than later in order to see the best results. You can call our office or set up an appointment request by using our online form.

Results & Caring for Your Treated Gums

After gum treatment, we will continue to monitor your gum health with regular checkups, and attending these appointments will be vital to keeping your oral health in good shape. It is also important to properly care for your treated gums by brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting the dentist routinely. This helps keep gum disease in check and prevents any adverse effects of gum disease from having a lasting impact on your health. Additionally, diet and lifestyle changes can be vital factors for many patients, such as reducing sugar intake or quitting smoking.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Gum disease can be a serious dental health issue, but gum treatment can help keep it in check. If you are experiencing gum inflammation, tenderness, or bleeding, contact our office today to set up your gum treatment and take charge of your oral health. Our dentist and team have the expertise necessary to provide the best gum care for patients with lasting results. We look forward to doing our part in helping you overcome gum disease in any form.
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