
How Many Shades Whiter Does Whitening Make Teeth?

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If you are tired of being disappointed with the way your teeth look when you see yourself in the mirror, then you can benefit from one of our customized teeth whitening procedures. Teeth whitening has a lot of long-lasting effects and perks that will make you feel better about yourself inside and out. How many shades whiter does whitening make teeth? How Many Shades Whiter Does Whitening Make Teeth? At our Fantana Smile Studio office, our cosmetic dentist can set … Read more

How to take care of your dental veneers

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Veneers are a great way to improve the look of your smile. The treatment involves the application of thin, tooth-colored shells on the front of your teeth. They can address a number of issues, such as discoloration and misshapen teeth. For those who want to upgrade their smile, veneers are a highly effective cosmetic dental treatment. Below, you will find how to care for your dental veneers. How to take care of your dental veneers Dental veneers are a great … Read more

How to make a dental visit easier for kids

concept of dental visit easier for kids

A healthy oral care routine and regular dental visits are essential for your child’s oral health. In fact, the quality of your child’s oral health in their early years has a direct impact on their long-term oral health. This is why it is important to foster good habits when your children are younger. Some children may have anxiety about the dentist or be uninterested. Below you will find how to make a dental visit easier for kids. How to make … Read more

Importance of Gum Health

woman showing off gum health and healthy gums

Taking care of your teeth is a no-brainer when it comes to your oral health. However, caring for your gums is talked about much less. This does not mean it is less important than caring for your teeth. Unhealthy gums can lead to gum disease, gum recession, and even tooth loss. Below you will find the importance of gum health. Importance of Gum Health Gum health is important for a number of reasons. It is critical in maintaining your overall … Read more

Staying Calm in a Dental Emergency

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Dental emergencies can be overwhelming as they can vary in severity and come at the most inopportune times. Whether you have a knocked-out tooth from a sports injury or a trauma for a car accident, proper dental care is key to your long-term oral health. Maintaining your composure is one of the most important factors if you experience a dental emergency. Steps need to be taken to address the issue promptly. Below you will find helpful tips on staying calm … Read more

Seeing a Family Dentist for Gum Concerns

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When individuals experience gum problems of any kind, it is imperative that they visit a family dentist for a thorough cleaning and possibly treatment. Gum concerns, even mild ones, are likely indicative of gum disease, the number-one cause of tooth loss in adults. Unfortunately, it often goes unnoticed in the early stages, and by the time an individual becomes concerned, the disease has already progressed. The good news is that immediate action may help to stop the spread and possibly reverse any … Read more

Replacing a Worn-Out Dental Filling With a Crown

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A dentist may advise their patients to get a dental crown to replace old or worn-out fillings. A dental filling is often used to treat a small to medium-sized region of dental decay. Even though fillings are designed to last for a long time, they might fail or fall out for various reasons, such as sustaining enamel chips and fractures or simply due to normal bacterial activities in the mouth eroding the cement keeping the filling in place. Replace an old filling … Read more

What to Expect When a Family Dentist Cleans Your Teeth

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Routine dental cleanings by a family dentist are essential for maintaining excellent oral health. Although it is crucial for patients to practice good oral hygiene daily at home, regular visits to a family dental practice allow for a more thorough tooth cleaning than patients can achieve on their own. Knowing what to expect before visiting the dentist for a cleaning can help ease any concerns a patient may have about the process. Visiting a family dentist for a cleaning Although most people … Read more

When Should Children Start Seeing a Family Dentist?

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Parents celebrate so many milestones during a baby’s first couple of years, and many of them are focused on the baby’s mouth: smiling, eating solid foods, and saying their first words. It is another cause for excitement and celebration when the baby’s first teeth come in — but should this milestone signal a trip to the family dentist? Many experts say yes. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends taking your child to the dentist by the time he or she … Read more

Cavity Checks from a Family Dentist

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One of the main reasons people typically visit a family dentist is to get a cavity check. The American Dental Association states that 91% of adults in America over the age of 20 have had at least one cavity. Generally included in each six-month wellness examination, a cavity check can help both identify areas where cavities may be forming and monitor existing cavities that may be too small for a filing. Here are some things to expect during this type of appointment. … Read more