When a dental emergency strikes, prompt treatment is needed to preserve your health and your smile. When you need a same-day emergency dentist appointment in Fontana, CA, the team at Smile Studio Fontana will prioritize your fast, comfortable care. For dental emergencies like tooth pain, injury, a dental infection, and more, contact our team for top emergency dental services in Fontana and beyond!
What is Emergency Dentistry?
At Smile Studio Fontana, emergency dentistry services may include emergency root canal treatments for dental abscesses, tooth extractions, dental fillings, tooth repair, and more. Our team is dedicated to helping you get the urgent dental care you need when you need it, preventing any accidents or health concerns from negatively impacting your oral health.
Common Dental Emergencies
Our dentists offer emergency care for severe symptoms, pain and visible injuries to the teeth and gums. Common dental emergencies we treat at Smile Studio Fontana include:
- Dental infections
- Dental abscess
- Injury to the teeth or gums
- Knocked-out teeth
- Broken teeth
- Lost fillings, crowns, or other restorations
- Broken or damaged orthodontics
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms or injuries to your teeth, gums, and surrounding structures, we recommend contacting Smile Studio Fontana for urgent care as soon as possible. Our emergency dentists will answer any questions you may have and provide a thorough assessment to determine the best treatment plan for your smile.
Common symptoms of a dental emergency include:
- Toothache or other dental pain
- Dental trauma or injury
- Excessive bleeding from the mouth
- Swelling in and around the mouth
- Signs of infection
- Severe gum disease
How are Dental Emergencies Treated?
Receiving timely emergency care is important for relieving pain quickly, avoiding further complications, and preserving your healthy smile. At Smile Studio Fontana, our emergency dentists offer fast, effective treatments like:
- Emergency root canal treatment: cleans out an infected tooth and seals it off to prevent further vulnerability to bacteria.
- Dental extractions: Tooth extraction always remains a last resort, but it can prove necessary in cases where the tooth is severely damaged beyond a need for restorative treatment.
- Tooth repairs/fillings: if a filling falls out, replacing it is vital to prevent additional bacteria from entering the tooth.
- Orthodontic care: broken braces or retainers need to be repaired as soon as possible to prevent risks.
- Severe gum disease treatments: if you have loose teeth or other signs of advanced gum disease, you may need treatment immediately.
Schedule Your Same-Day Emergency Dentist Appointments
Protect your health and your smile with fast emergency dentistry in Fontana! Our team uses the latest tools and technologies to deliver fast, precise, comfortable urgent dentistry. Contact us at Smile Studio to relieve your pain and protect your smile with a same-day emergency appointment!